This website contains general information which should not be treated as legal advice from a lawyer with regards to your specific situation. The website is an informative website, and has no regard for the specific circumstances or requirements of individuals.

While we take every effort to ensure that the information contained in the website is reliable, no guarantee is given as to its accuracy as legal developments, settlements and verdicts may take place at short notice. Likewise, the views and opinions expressed in this site are subject to change without notice, although they are given in good faith.

The website contains detailed information on the services provided by EMN Chartered. This information does not constitute legal, tax or other professional advice, and it should not be considered a prediction of future results. The services described in this website are unavailable in any jurisdiction where local law restricts or prevents them. The website information does not constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. Prospective investors should be familiar with legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their countries of citizenship or residence.

EMN Chartered does not in any way sanction fraudulent practices by providing the information on this website. Nor does it condone the use of the offshore entities described in this website for unlawful practices. Money laundering is forbidden internationally and EMN Chartered will not entertain or take part in such illegal activity.

No responsibility for loss suffered directly or indirectly to by any person acting or refraining from acting wholly or partially upon as a result of the information provided on this website or for any error or omission, inaccuracies or inconsistencies presented in this information can be accepted by EMN Chartered or any of its employees.

Our services
EMN Chartered is not a law firm, and none of its staff are qualified to provide legal services or legal advice to Clients. Therefore, clients are urged to discuss legal issues with a lawyer.

EMN Chartered is not a bank, nor does it provide banking services. EMN Chartered offers international company formation, corporate administration services, and bank/broker/merchant introductory services and account opening assistance. This website is only used for promotional marketing purposes of EMN Chartered's services and is not intended to portray that this is the website of a bank.

Please note that EMN Chartered and all of it's Directors, staff and associates do not recommend the use of offshore entities, bank accounts, debit or credit cards unless you have first obtained professional taxation and legal advice in the jurisdiction of your residence. We particularly urge you to check with the taxation laws of your jurisdiction in relation to residency, and the legal requirements for the disclosure of the existence of offshore beneficially owned entities and the income thereof.

EMN Chartered reserves the right to change the fees without notice. EMN Chartered reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time and to notify you by revising or posting updates on its website.

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